Tuesday, April 12, 2011

I Me Me Blog

Didn't really know how long I should wait to really get this thing going.  First I want to say that I don't anticipate anyone turning to this for enlightenment or for insight into what makes me tick.  This is just a place for me to convey my wildly sporadic/erotic/juvenile/(and a host of other adjective) thoughts.

The title is of course dedicate to one of my favorite (most recently) Beatles song "I Me Mine". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=01UipbZL3ww

In case there was any confusion, I have been living in California since August 2010.  It was a decision based on happiness.  Where I was at with my life in Newport News, simply wasn't acceptable.  I didn't like my job, I didn't like the way I was living my life and I really needed a big change.  Because of the job market, quitting my previous job and keeping the way too expensive apartment I had wasn't an option.  A dear friend offered me safe haven in Cali so I got a ticket, mailed my stuff and came out here.

Fast-forward to now and I'm in a bit of a dilemma. Said roommate is being transfered to Seattle and is leaving in May. I love California and I love the joy it has brought me.  I have met some incredible people and I wish to make my life even more awesome by staying.  My current backup plan isn't coming through like I would have hoped so I'm faced with either moving or hoping things sort themselves out before May.

That being said, this isn't a pity party just a man being real with those who I dearly trust.  It may be the Tequila or Cerveza talking but I know this is the place for me.

With that nonsense out of the way let's get down to brass tax.  My musical "RoboCop: The Musical!!!" is currently on its 4th act of 5.  I have been writing this now for going on two years.  It is one of the greatest things I have ever done and I can't wait to share it with you all.  I finally was able to write a ensemble song and it is apparently three pages long.  As  a bit of insight, I will let you know that I can't remember the plot of the original movie so there is only one scene that is a literal translation.  Everything else is what I have come up off the top of my head.  I hope it is loved and hated because honestly I was out to make the worse musical ever, excluding the debauchery that apparently is the Spiderman Musical (soon to be followed by the Batman Musical).

On another positive note, I've decided that Robots always... and I mean ALWAYS trump Zombies.

Take care of yourselves and Kip,



  1. Would you be moving to Seattle or back to the East coast, if it comes to that? I have a friend that moved to Seattle from Cali and he likes it out there. I mean, at least it's also a cool city. Hope things work out though. Can't wait to see "Robocop: The Musical!" in all its Off-Broadway glory.

  2. Now, if we can only get the ghost of Dennis Hopper to play the bad guy character played by the dad from That 70's Show in the original film.....what a coup that would be!!!!!
